Sunday Wood has a population of approximately250 persons, and 39 families. Residents of the village are of the Q’eqchi Maya cultural group. The village is located about 2 miles southwest of Conejo Creek on the Crique Sarco road. The village, located on National Land with no leases, was established largely through migration from San Lucas, to the northwest, about 20-26 years ago. Economic activity is limited to subsistence cultivation of corn, rice and beans using the traditional milpa agricultural practice, much of which takes place by the hills to the north, towards Corazon Creek. There have been numerous past attempts to establish permanent organic cacao cultivation, although to date these attempts have been unsuccessful.
The community relies on some hand water pumps and local creeks. There is a newly constructed primary school – doubling as a hurricane shelter and a new health post. There is no electricity or telephone, and housing is made of cohune thatch roofs . A new road is being constructed to the immediate west of the village leading to Corazon Creek, and is approximately ½ finished. Chub’s Crique Sarco bus service passes through the village on route to Punta Gorda every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.