Press Releases

New SATIIM and EU FPIC Project

SATIIM Launches FPIC Project ...

SATIIM Community Forest Patrols Stopped by Guatemalan Military

On Thursday, November 10, 2016, a SATIIM patrol on the Sarstoon River was stopped by the Guatemalan military. See the press release below: press-release...

Ms. Froyla Tzalam is the new Chair of APAMO, Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations.

On April 16th 2016, Ms. Froyla Tzalam became the newly elected chair lady of the Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations (APAMO) Ms. Tzalam will be serving for a period of 2 years (2016-2018) ...

SATIIM Responds to GOB Relaxation of Sarstoon Prohibition Regulation

May 10, 2016 SATIIM responds to Government of Belize's relaxation of Sarstoon Prohibition Regulation. may patrol 2016B    ...